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Pet Travel Update Dec 2020

Pet Travel Update

Many of us are looking forward to hopefully being able to travel again in 2021; however Brexit has meant some changes if you wish to take your pet with you on your EU travels.

From the 1st January 2021, for the purposes of pet travel, the UK will become a Third Country, with Part 2 listed status. This means that the UK issued Pet Passport will no longer be valid for entry into the EU. Each time you wish to travel with your pet you will need to get an Animal Health Certificate (AHC) completed. These are valid for entry into the EU and Northern Ireland for 10 days, and once in Europe they are valid for 4 months for onward travel within the EU and return to the UK.

You will need to get a new AHC each time you wish to travel from the UK to the European Union or Northern Ireland.

The good news is that the Rabies Blood Test is NOT required, as we have been given Part 2 listed status, this means that you are still able to travel 21 days after a rabies vaccine.

The requirement for tapeworm treatment before returning to the UK remains, however you will now also need to get your dog treated for tapeworm 1-5 days before travel to Ireland, this can be done at the same time the AHC is issued.

New requirements –

  • Microchip your pet
  • Vaccinate your pet for rabies. This needs to be at least 21 days before travel and your pet must be at least 3months old.
  • Book an appointment with an Official Veterinary Surgeon, who is trained and qualified to provide and complete the necessary paperwork. This needs to be no more than 10 days before your planned entry into the EU and will be valid for 4 months. For travel to Ireland your dog also needs Tapeworm treatment.
  • Make sure you seek out a vet in the EU to administer Tapeworm treatment to your dog 1-5 days before your return to the UK.

You will need a new AHC each time you wish to travel with your Cat, Dog or Ferret within the EU.
NB – If you are not travelling with your pet yourself, you will need to provide written permission for the designated care taker of your pet to export them on your behalf. Please make sure they have this letter for their appointment.

More info can be found at www.gov.uk/guidance/pet-travel-to-europe-from-1-january-2021