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Spring has Sprung

Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung and just like us finally getting out and about, pets get curious this time of year, which can mean an increase in the number of emergencies we see at GKG Vets.

Spring Cat

– Spring cleaning

If you use chemical cleaning supplies around your home, be sure to store products securely away from your pet’s reach. Commercial cleaning products, contain chemicals that are toxic to your dog or cat, so make sure to follow label instructions carefully and store products securely away from your pet.

– Seasonal Allergies

Just like humans, dogs and cats can develop allergies to plants, pollens, grasses, and many other substances in springtime. Allergies in pets normally appear as itchy skin and ear problems, accompanied by hair loss or inflamed skin.

– Bee or Wasp Stings

Most cases are not emergencies. But if your dog is stung near the mouth or neck then you may need to seek veterinary help. Like humans, dogs can be allergic to stings.

– Parasites

Make sure your pet is up to date with his vaccinations, a flea and tick treatment as this is the time of year fleas and ticks start to increase in number.

– Garden hazards

The insecticides, herbicides, pesticides, weed killer and fertilizers used by many people in the spring to bring their lawns and gardens back to life are full of chemicals that are dangerous for pets. Here are some more garden hazards to be aware of:

– Spring Bulbs

Can be fatal if dug up and eaten by your pets. Tulips and daffodils are toxic to dogs and cats, although all parts of the plant are toxic; it is the bulbs that actually contain the most toxins.

– Slug Pellets

Slug and snail pellets represent a major risk for dogs and cats and are a more common source of poisoning than you may expect. Snail and slug bait products typically contain the poison metaldehyde, and they taste sweet to pets. So before you protect your veg patch or beautiful spring flowers consider how you will protect your pets!

If you see these symptoms call us immediately:

  • Excessive panting
  • Drooling or excessive salivating
  • Vomiting and Diarrhoea
  • Uncoordinated walk or movement

Symptoms of Poisoning

– Contact poisons

Chemicals or plants that come into contact with your pet’s skin can cause irritation. You may see sign of discomfort, agitation, excessive scratching, swelling or pain.

– Swallowed poisons

Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhoea, restlessness, staggering, disorientation, convulsions, lethargy, loss of appetite, twitching, dilated pupils, ulcers, heart palpitations, and coma.

– Inhaled poisons

Can cause coughing, drooling, difficulty breathing, unconsciousness or coma.

If you feel that your pet has been affected by any of the hazards listed above please get in touch with us immediately.