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Newbury Surgery 01635 40565
Thatcham Surgery 01635 868047
Kingsclere Surgery - Temporarily Closed Temporarily Closed

Emily Williams

Practice Manager

Emily Williams - Practice Manager
Emily Williams Practice Manager

Emily has been working at GKG vets since October 2019. She graduated from the Royal Agricultural University in 2017 with a Foundation degree in Game and Wildlife Management.

She is currently our Senior Receptionist covering the Newbury, Kingsclere & Thatcham branches.

Emily moved to Newbury from Essex, to live with her boyfriend and their two working dogs; a fox red Labrador called Barley and a Black collie x lab called Jack. They are both full of energy and enjoy swimming in the lake at home!

In her spare time, Emily enjoys reading, fishing and helping her boyfriend on their estate; feeding the pheasants, duck and partridge.